The bathroom of your home is where you get ready, it’s where you get clean, and where you may start or end your day. It’s function typically far outweighs its design, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
It can be a retreat.
Turning your place of preparation in to a space for relaxation doesn’t have to include costly remodels or expensive new appliances either. There are some subtle, yet effective changes that can bring the spa into your bathroom. A spa treats you to a sensory experience and your bathroom should too. Here are some of our favorite ways to excite your senses.
Walking into your bathroom begins with your eyes. Typically, you see it first and this can start your journey into the spa. Key areas to consider include softening the light with a dimmer or plugin lamp. These options make it more soothing to the eye before and during your trip and are way better than the harsh light of most bathroom fixtures. Changing light fixtures to a softer more natural feel is the best long lasting option and not as expensive as most may think.
Now that you’re inside, the next sense to be inundated with relaxation is smell. Botanical scents help relax many, but it’s all about your preference here. Try to make it as natural as possible with reed diffusers or even fresh flowers. Plugins and other tools can work, but may detract from the look and feel of your new spa.
Now that you’re inside and the door is shut, it’s time to hear the sounds of the spa. Music can help, but make sure it’s relaxing. The most important aspect of hearing isn’t so much what you hear, it’s what you don’t hear. Kids, TV’s, and spouses can often break into your retreat. You can avoid this by using music, scheduling your spa time, or (if you’re hardcore) sound proof the walls for maximum retreat feel.
The keywords in the touch category are soft and smooth. You’ve laid eyes on your spa, smelled the sweet scents, heard beautiful sounds (and not heard loud ones). The only thing left is to feel it. You can surround yourself with soft towels and robes for starters. Gather some of the most eccentric and soothing soaps around to take it up another level.
For a look that takes the spa to the next level, try using invisible hinges to create smooth lines for your cabinets and doors. Your seamless look will be easy on the eyes and on the touch. Our hinges are made from the highest quality materials and are perfect to create a beautiful bathroom where you can truly retreat. Find a dealer today.