Summer’s Here! Senior Living Design for All Seasons There are so many nuances to designing a senior living residence, complex or nursing home...
Senior Living Design for the Needs of Residents and Families It’s important that design be done with both elderly residents and their families in mind....
5 Tips to Improve Your Online Reputation in the Assisted-Living Business Online reputation has become incredibly important for assisted living businesses. The assisted living field is...
4 Trends and Predictions About the Future of Senior Living Aging seniors are an incredibly large segment of the population. Their needs are difficult to...
What Seniors Look for When Touring Retirement Communities Retirement is still a fairly young practice in the grand scheme of history. With so...
7 New Products That Are Helping Seniors There are many kinds of disabilities, so there are many different kinds of assistance technology...
4 Ways To Help Family Members Delay Assisted Living One of the hardest decisions we may face during our lifetime is whether to help...
Inviting Confidence Into Your Room Design When choosing your living room furniture design, you will come across a mind-boggling number of...
Designing a Rehab Center That Builds Patient Confidence Rehab centers can be the core contributor to recovery for many people facing life’s challenges....
5 Items Why Seniors Avoid Your Retirement Community Creating a vital and engaging world within a retirement community is challenging. Baby-boomers entering these...