Hotel Bathroom Design Trends to Know

There’s nothing quite like designing an extravagant bathroom for your hotel. It should be something spectacular that helps your guests forget about the perils of the world. In fact, when choosing your hotel bathroom design, you should consider how you want to make your guests feel.

This can be one of the few amenities that makes or breaks your guest’s hotel stay.

But, what is it about a hotel’s bathroom that makes it boast impressive quality? Interior design experts recommend that the elements of your bathroom design are crucial. They create the opulence that you want in your hotel bathroom.

Learning more about what makes a hotel bathroom design extraordinary is essential. Read on to find out more about the bathroom trends that every hotel owner should know.

1. Open Showers

In recent years, there has been a spike in more open shower bathroom designs in hotels. The thing is that opening up your hotel bathroom showers creates an endless amount of space that your guests can enjoy being in. This is a clever renovation idea that takes any enclosed space and transforms it into a larger one.

This should help your hotel guests to enjoy having a spa-like feel when showering after a long day of touring the city. In fact, an open shower is the kind of bathroom design that you don’t want your hotel to miss out on having.

2. Outdoor Bathrooms

As a hotel owner, it’s essential for you to find new ways to ensure that your hotel guests always come back for more experiences. According to design experts, bringing the outdoors inside is one of those hotel bathroom design trends that you should consider. Besides, taking your bath outside is considered one of the most relaxing ways that you can enjoy it. When it comes to hotel bathroom design ideas, this is a trend that you should love at first sight. The fact of the matter is that your hotel property has some of the most stunning views that you’ll ever get to see.

Fortunately, there’s no other hotel bathroom design trend that lets your guests fully bask in your spectacular views quite like this one. If you’re worried about the privacy of your guests, you don’t have to place your bathroom completely outside. Instead, your guests can enjoy a relaxing bath with outdoor views while they’re indoors. A full glass wall makes it easier for you to provide your guests with a view that allows them to enjoy the best of both worlds of your hotel bathroom design.

3. Marble Walls

When you compare your hotel with the ones on the list of the most beautiful hotel bathroom designs in the world, you should notice that marble walls are something that they all have in common. Now, when you think of luxe and a perfect hotel bathroom design, marble is one of the first elements that should come to mind.

The clean and smooth feel that adding marble walls can add to your hotel bathroom design is beyond impressive. There are various details that you can add to this trend to move it with the times. For a much more modern feel, you should think of combining darker and matte accents.

4. Energy Efficient Features

Let’s face it, the entire world is trying to find better ways to protect the environment from rapid global warming deterioration. The hotel industry is also part of this changing world. It starts with something as seemingly small as adding environmentally conscious bathroom systems in your hotel.

For instance, there’s a growing trend of adding toilets and showerheads that are aimed towards reducing the energy and water that’s used by your hotel guests. Moreover, these features still remain true to the aesthetic design, comfort, and functionality of your hotel bathroom design.

The following are some of the most forward-looking bathroom features that your hotel can invest in.

  • Low flow showerheads.
  • Sink-to-toilet flush system.
  • Faucets with motion sensors.
  • Ultra high-efficiency toilets.
  • Tankless water heaters.

5. Matte Black Color Schemes

The thing about design trends is that they’re always being recycled. For example, there was a time when matte color finishes were a design trend in the automotive industry. Yet, the hotel industry has adopted this trend to create an exquisitely unique bathroom design trend.

A deep black matte finish color scheme has taken over hotel bathroom design trends. This clever addition to most hotel bathrooms is considered a very versatile finish. The neutrality of the dark colors can give your hotel’s bathroom design the opportunity to take advantage of these finishes. In some cases, these finishes are added to the mirrors, door and wall frames, and tile patterns to make them stand out in any setting.

6. Vintage Bathroom Fixtures

It seems as though your hotel’s bathroom design isn’t complete without adding a touch of vintage style to it. As a matter of fact, there’s been an increase in the use of vintage style-inspired trends in the interior design world. However, hotels aren’t changing the whole design feel to vintage though.

Instead, they’re creatively adding elements such as subdued brass colors. And, even strategically exposing metal in some cases. Repurposing old materials from your hotel’s former design is also a good way to promote recycling. A clever way that you can do this is by using copper piping for the towel racks in your hotel.

7. Unique Tile Patterns

Tiles are a big part of your entire hotel’s design, including your hotel bathroom design. Even though they’ve been long used for interior design trends, tiles have evolved so much in recent years.

Your hotel is no longer using simple square or rectangular tile patterns. Unique tile patterns that come in various shapes and sizes are a bathroom design trend that you should add to your hotel design.

In summary, experts recommend that your hotel bathroom design is what can take your hotel guests’ stay from ordinary to luxurious opulence. The key is in the design elements that you choose. These could be the lighting fixtures or adding more space in your showers. If you’re not sure how to revamp your hotel this year, this hotel bathroom design trends guide should be helpful for your ideas.