Why Minimal and Clean Interior Design Will Remain Popular

Trends in interior design will come and go. However, some themes will stand the test of time. These styles become a staple and remain relevant for decades to come. One example is minimalist interior design.

Minimalism has been around since the 60s and 70s. It remains the preferred option for many thanks to various factors. What are these key elements that make minimalism a top choice? SOSS Hinges has shared a guide to help you understand why minimalism remains enduring. Keep reading and apply these principles in your next project.

About Minimalist Design: Common Characteristics

For the layperson, minimalism is the lack of excess. Most people might picture a bare-bones interior without any decor or clutter.

However, architects and interior designers understand that minimalism is not just the lack of things. It’s a deliberate approach to design where less is more. There is a major emphasis on cleanliness and lack of clutter. Functionality is also a major consideration.

Above all, minimalism helps emphasize an interior as a whole. Flowing lines, lack of accent pieces, and clutter-free spaces help the overall design shine — without any focus on one single element.

What are the definitive elements you’d see in a minimalist design?

1. Neutral Color Palette

A neutral, pastel, or monochromatic color palette remains standard in minimalist design. These colorways create a calming atmosphere that relaxes occupants. In contrast, bright and saturated colors elicit strong emotions, which is the opposite of what minimalist design wants to achieve.

2. Clean and Uninterrupted Lines

Another basic tenet of minimalism is having clean lines. Right angles and lack of curvatures create the hallmark minimalist look. This design approach also favors uninterrupted lines. The lack of disruption allows the eyes to flow from one section to another. Modern solutions like invisible hinges and streamlined window or door frames help achieve this look.

3. Increased Functionality

Since minimalism puts emphasis on the bare minimum, the elements must be practical and functional to compensate. Furniture must be sleek and unobtrusive while also working as intended.

4. Lots of Space

Empty areas are another key element in minimalism. These deliberate “negative spaces” create a sense of balance and simplicity — two hallmarks of this interior design style.

5. Masterful Use of Light

Subdued lighting is another common characteristic of minimalist design. In addition, many architects take advantage of natural light to minimize the need for additional fixtures.

6. Use of Basic Geometric Shapes

You won’t find complex patterns and organic motifs in most minimalist interior designs. Designers usually prefer basic geometric shapes like squares and rectangles. These provide clean lines and create a sense of order.

Key Factors That Make Minimalist Interior Design Popular

The elements we outlined above combine to create the reasons for minimalism’s timeless popularity. Here are a few of these reasons.

Deliberate Use of Space

Optimization is key in this interior design approach. Architects must carefully consider how every element works. Having this foresight allows them to create functional and efficient spaces with the least amount of furnishing. As a result, the occupants will still live comfortable and convenient lives without the extra clutter. Thanks to this principle, minimalism is actually harder to successfully pull off than other types of design.

Sense of Order and Control

Many people feel overwhelmed with the outside world. There is too much noise and chaos, making people crave some sense of control. Minimalism can help address this need — in a visual sense, at least.

There’s no clutter, and everything is organized. This cleanliness can be psychologically comforting. Aside from that, the simplicity adds an aesthetic appeal that further lifts a person’s mood. Minimalism helps create a sanctuary where people can escape from the noise of the world.

Serenity and Calmness

Minimalist interior design takes a lot of cues from Japanese traditional architecture. One of the elements borrowed is the concept of Zen. While this idea means many things, designers understand Zen as the creation of fluidity and balance. These elements usher in a sense of serenity, calmness, and inner peace.

To achieve some level of Zen, designers can use the elements we outlined. These include clean lines, geometric shapes, and deliberate use of negative space. There is no need to imitate the heavy use of wood or sliding doors. The main goal is to create a design that fosters an atmosphere of relaxation and well-being.

Plenty of Customization Opportunities

At first, homeowners may resist the idea of minimalism. The “less is more” approach seems to take away any form of personalization. However, this is a popular misconception. Property owners or developers can work with designers to create a minimalist design that still has some level of customization.

What elements can you personalize when you only have the bare necessities? On the surface, a homeowner can have full control over the material or color palette of their furniture.

They can also go deeper and create a design that suits a specific lifestyle. For example, those who have active hobbies can incorporate elements that make it easier for them to do related activities. The interiors can also be designed to evolve with the occupants, such as a growing family.

Cost Efficiency

It’s undeniable that housing prices have been increasing steadily over the past decades. Minimalist interior design helps address this issue in two ways. First, the approach can help homeowners lower the costs of furnishing. They won’t have to purchase a lot of furniture thanks to the “less is more” mantra.

The other way minimalism helps save on housing costs is how it allows people to take advantage of smaller spaces. Since designers can make elements more functional without adding too much clutter, homeowners can live comfortably even in limited floor areas.

Easier To Maintain

One underrated benefit of minimalist design is the ease of cleaning and maintenance. For one, the lack of clutter makes cleaning more straightforward. There aren’t a lot of hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.

In addition, the simplified design makes maintenance easier. There aren’t complicated mechanisms or special parts that need to be carefully disassembled for tune-ups. Housekeeping becomes a less stressful and time-consuming chore.


Minimalist interior design is here to stay thanks to factors like cost-saving and how it provides serenity and peace. In an increasingly chaotic world, this approach helps designers create a sanctuary where occupants can have a sense of control and order. In addition, minimalism requires less furnishing and maintenance. It’s the ideal approach to address the needs of modern families and busy individuals.

Find Precision Engineered Invisible Hinges

Minimalism must marry functionality and simplicity. These ideas may clash, but modern solutions can help bridge the gap. For example, SOSS Hinges offers concealed hinges that are ideal for minimalist design.

Designers can use these systems to create cabinets that have clean and uninterrupted lines. In addition, we’ve engineered these systems to work seamlessly. Occupants will find that the hinges securely open and close doors without any issues.

Learn more about our concealed hinges by contacting us today.